Monday, 9 March 2015

Week 9 - This Is Going To Be a Big One...

I’ve got the Dragon Age: Inquisition soundtrack blasting and I’m feeling pumped. Let’s write this blog post.

So the past few weeks I’ve been pretty quiet on the blog front, with promises of updates, but the truth of the matter is, not a lot was happening. It’s all been pretty dull. I’ve been grinding away making assets and unwrapping, not the most exciting thing to talk about.

But I have now, finally, imported everything into the Unreal Engine and I have a basic scene to work with, which is fantastic. I’ve begun populating a little, playing around with layouts and various shots for the final renders. I’ve also begun working on the lighting setup, which is fairly simple at the moment.

One unfortunate thing I’ve discovered is that my love for Environment Art has grown exponentially and my love for Character Art has diminished somewhat. This is a bit of a problem, as I’ve written a character into my brief… But at the beginning of this project I still wasn't sure which path I wanted to go down. Now I know for sure.

This won’t stop me however, I’ll get the character done. She will be more of a prop (possibly the most misogynistic thing I’ve ever written) much like the body, which is currently in the works. Everything is coming along slowly.

So, over the course of today, I’ll be doing two different blog posts.
  • ·         Assets and the scene
  • ·         Schedule evaluation and where I’m going from here

I feel like that’s probably easier and more digestible to put it in multiple chunks rather than overloading in one post.

So here we go. It's going to be great...

- Hannah